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Body corporates and access to information. What are the rules of engagement?
29 May 2024

Unit owners in a sectional title may from time to time feel that the body corporate is not managing the... scheme effectively or correctly. Whether such belief is legitimate or not, often comes down to the information that the owners have access to which can prove or allay fears of mismanagement. But, how do unit owners access information often under the control of the body corporate?

The taxes applicable to a deceased estate
29 May 2024

When a person passes, their estate must be reported to SARS and so becomes a new taxpayer with various taxes... applicable. If the deceased had foreign assets, international taxes may also apply. The executor of the deceased estate is responsible for handling all tax matters related to the deceased estate, which can become quite complex, depending on the nature of the estate. In this article, we look at some of the most important taxes applicable to a deceased estate.

Be careful not to let your medical negligence claim prescribe
29 May 2024

Medical negligence cases are notoriously complex and often hinge on the difficulty patients have in establishing that there was in... fact negligent conduct by a medical practitioner and then having to institute action for the harm they have suffered. By this time, substantial time may have passed, and the possibility of prescription may have reared its head. In this article, we briefly look at prescription in the context of medical negligence cases and what our courts have to say. 

Why social media disputes can be a Pandora’s box
29 May 2024

Social media sites and the use of these sites for personal and business use are accepted in today’s digital world.... For many businesses their social media presence is a vital part of their ability to connect, engage and sell to their clients. But what happens, when owners change or the persons running these sites on behalf of a business refuse to provide access to the sites? How easy is it to address these disputes?


Body corporates and access to information. What are the rules of engagement?

29 May 2024

Unit owners in a sectional title may from time to time feel that the body corporate is not managing the... scheme effectively or correctly. Whether such belief is legitimate or not, often comes down to the information that the owners have access to which can prove or allay fears of mismanagement. But, how do unit owners access information often under the control of the body corporate?


The taxes applicable to a deceased estate

29 May 2024

When a person passes, their estate must be reported to SARS and so becomes a new taxpayer with various taxes... applicable. If the deceased had foreign assets, international taxes may also apply. The executor of the deceased estate is responsible for handling all tax matters related to the deceased estate, which can become quite complex, depending on the nature of the estate. In this article, we look at some of the most important taxes applicable to a deceased estate.


Be careful not to let your medical negligence claim prescribe

29 May 2024

Medical negligence cases are notoriously complex and often hinge on the difficulty patients have in establishing that there was in... fact negligent conduct by a medical practitioner and then having to institute action for the harm they have suffered. By this time, substantial time may have passed, and the possibility of prescription may have reared its head. In this article, we briefly look at prescription in the context of medical negligence cases and what our courts have to say. 


Why social media disputes can be a Pandora’s box

29 May 2024

Social media sites and the use of these sites for personal and business use are accepted in today’s digital world.... For many businesses their social media presence is a vital part of their ability to connect, engage and sell to their clients. But what happens, when owners change or the persons running these sites on behalf of a business refuse to provide access to the sites? How easy is it to address these disputes?

Filter: COVID-19
How you can get fired for airing an opinion on WhatsApp

15 September 2022

With the prevalence of social media and platforms for sharing information, is it possible that you can get fired for... a post or group message you made?

Can you dismiss an employee for refusing to be vaccinated?

21 March 2022

Many companies are struggling with the question of whether they can make it mandatory for their employees to be vaccinated... against the Covid-19 virus and, if necessary, even take disciplinary steps against an employee who refuses to be vaccinated. So what does our law say about this?

Can you be dismissed for not wearing a face mask at work?

12 October 2021

I’m an HR manager and also responsible for health and safety at my workplace. Lately I’ve noticed an increasing number... of employees failing to keep their Covid masks on at work, despite regular warnings. My employer is very worried about this and has asked if we are allowed to dismiss employees that blatantly fail to adhere to our Covid-19 protocol of wearing a face mask. Not wearing a face mask is in my view very serious, but dismissing someone is also a serious step. Can someone be dismissed for not wearing their face mask?

POPIA and remote working employees

14 September 2021

I’m the owner of a small financial services firm. With Covid-19, like many businesses, we enabled staff to work from... home. The arrangement is working well and we are contemplating retaining the option of remote work for some of our staff. Is there anything specific we need to do from a POPIA perspective in respect of such remote working staff?

Can Covid-19 vaccinations be made compulsory by employers?

10 August 2021

I work in a large retail store, and rumours are that my employer is going to require all employees to... be vaccinated for Covid-19. I don’t have a problem with anyone getting the vaccine, but I haven’t made up my mind yet as to whether I want to get vaccinated. What are my rights in this regard, and can my employer force me to get vaccinated?

Can my employee refuse to come to work because of Covid-19?

16 March 2021

Although we are nearing the tail-end of the Covid-pandemic, I still have a number of my employees that are refusing... to come to work because of Covid-19. I’ve tolerated them being at home, but my problem is that there is very little work they can do from home, yet I have to pay them. Can I force them to come back?


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